We went to CME again to celebrate my tita's bday. I really planned on not going to swim, but it was so hot, xiet, so I had no choice left. :p I was just going to draw-- IT"S DRAWING DAY YESTURDEI!!!!!! grr, I was gunna sketch realism tryout but dammit, everyone got on my nerves that day... Except for Aliyah~<3 heartness :3
Good parts:
--I got the chance to go kayaking again--TWICE! X3 awesomee~~
--A really very nice young lady warned me not to leave my Havaiannas slippers because there are people who steal Havaiannas slippers on that place. She's so nice that I got overwhelmed...(sentimental emoticon here)
--I managed to work on a certain scene on my Chloe Valens doujin :3
--While on the wave pool, I picked up a 1-peso coin! X3 I thought it was just the sigay shell that Aliyah-chan found on the wave pool, but when I lifted my hand, it was a coin! XDDDD
--Aliyah-chan is so adorable...:3
Bad parts:
-- I wasn't able to draw as many sketches as I've planned. :| Now my imaginations are wasted...:<
--They took a picture of me-- Chris-sama's stolen shot of me, then the stupif fsking family picture. :| Fsk it. T_T Then they laughed at me, dammit. S***. Big, BIG s***
--I didn't get to see the large boobs. :| Dammit... I always miss out on all the fun...
--Others. I can't remember.
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