Today, two STI...people came to introduce to us their school. One of them was gay...
Ten more minutes and he officially freaked me out.
Here's how it went:
•Gay comes in with girl
•Gay starts throwing K0Rny "jokes"
•Gay notices Reniel (Shit, Gay actually likes him, shiiiiit Reniel is taken you @%$&)
•Gay starts making green jokes
•Frhaine gets disgusted and disappointed with this
•Frhaine gave him a plastic smile (yesssss Frhaine does that to stupid corny weird gays)
It lasted for a minute or so
•Frhaine doesn't enjoii it anymoawr (*starts thinking of assassination plots for geeiiiii*
•Moawr green jokes from Geii
•Frhaine thought of blogging this
•Gay asks what STI stands for (actually, his question was "Where does STI stand for?" Lol, STI ba talaga galing yun?) and Ynna answers
•Gay calls Ynna and pokes fun at her
•NOOOO, Ynna doesn't enjoii it. Ditto!
•I can see that the gay is "mildly" harassing Ynna-san... (I actually thought of using a flat-palm technique to attack the Geii but I wanted to reserve that for later, so in the end, I wasn't able to display my awesome bloodthirsty skills *______*)
•HE HARASSED JIMBO---- aslkdfsfld;fsldskg CHILD ABUSE!!!!!
•Gay started to get into my nerves when he asked me what course I'd be taking and he butted in when I was about to answer. YOU STUPID F'SKIN @$$HOLE B33tch F'sk YOU!!!!!!!!
•Oh yeah, and we had a little raffle there... He will call 9 names and if the last name belongs to a guy, that guy will receive a *gasp* kiss from him! :faint:
And the last name was...
I was screaming like hell, out of disgust, I guess...
Good thing Lamsen blocked his face from him...*phew* *safe ang kapwa otaku ko ://3*
•I therefore conclude that I have weirdgeiophobia, which is the "intricate fear of weird gays"
Don't get me wrong. I like gay people. They're not afraid to be who they are.
I'm also open-minded enough to laugh at green jokes, but...
If the jokes are painted green in an ill manner, I don't suppose I could even giggle at it, unless if I don't want that person to suffer embarrassment.
I mean, seriously, people. If he was mature enough, not to mention decent, he should know that those jokes are to be shared only to a private audience and those who are at his comedy bar.
I'd appreciate the green jokes if they aren't done in such a malicious way.
*Rolls eyes* And to consider that he came from STI. STI!!!
PiSTI, parang dinumihan lang niya ang kredibilidad ng unibersidad na 'yon...
According to him, in STI, students and teachers have a bonded close that you'd feel comfortable around them.
That actually made me think that he's a pedo. :|
Aghhh... You know, I respect STI, but I don't respect people in it who are like that gay. He's so dirty...
That's actually what makes it a sin for a person.
Hmm...Ynna-san, I dunno if that gay was bisexual or anything, but it sure seemed like he was harassing you...