Wednesday, November 18, 2009
AnS 9...the most await chapter....gosh I'm tired of waiting for everything. I'm not satisfied with the raws... I NEED TO CONFIRM WHAT MELFOND WAS SAYING WHILE SHE"S IN THAT CELL.
Monday, October 12, 2009
About my lame Filipino prof...
During our Filipino class today (which was made of PHAIL, btw) our *coughuseless* professor asked us to fill up an evaluation regarding her performance. Before that, though, she explained that the grading system is reversed, meaning 1 is the lowest grade you can give her while 5 is the highest. And obviously, she wants us to give her 5. (pff, yeah, she thinks she deserves it lolll)
So as I fill it up, I was being completely honest, because I'm a responsible student and I have to fulfill my awesome role (rofl).
And yes, my dear classmates who are reading this awesome piece of confession (not really a confession, but you get the point ryt?), I'm the controversial Ms. Wiseness behind that evaluation sheet. I was the one who gave her a bunch of 2's.
Why? Well WHY NOT? :| I definitely think she doesn't deserve getting even just 4! She's not responsible enough. She's even trying to poison us with her drama speeches, like, "--I gave up everything just so you would pass, so don't you dare give me low points!" etc...!
So there, she made sure that we'd give her high points by guarding what we choose. And constantly reminded us of her drama speech.
However, being your outspoken classmate/mistress of awesomeness and boldness, I stood up for what I continuously believe in-- Justice can only be served on your own account.
Honestly, people, stop being idiots. :| There's this thing we call "rights" and "freedom of speech". In fact, that's exactly why blogs and other personal sites (aka pr0n storage?) are allowed to be established on the Internet.
I don't suppose you would agree that my idiot-slash-irresponsible prof is right on blackmailing us with our grades so that we'll be nice to her, would you? Unless if you're a coward too like the rest of the class... In fact, I dare you now to give my lovely name to that old hag and tell her that I'm the one behind that COMPLETELY HONEST evaluation sheet.
She takes this matter waaaay too personal FOR A TEACHER. :|
Old hags shouldn't be allowed to teach in such a university. I just can't comply with losers like her. Besides, she's easy to suck on. Just pretend that you're "friends" and you can be sure that you'd get a good grade.
When she found that sheet, she immediately reacted violently with "Sino'ng nagsulat nito, ha?" and downed the paper in front of my seatmate's desk. "Alam ko isa sa inyo ang gumawa nito e, sa inyo lang galing to, sa (points to our area), sa inyo lang! Nakita ko yun e, tinatago-tago pa niya. Biruin niyo, nasa harap ko na, HARAP-HARAPAN NA MISMO, ginaganyan ako? Pano pa kaya kung nakatalikod ako?"
Of course, I remained silent, and played innocent, while I plan for a perfect back-up for my little mischief (noooo, it's not that at all, I'm totally sure I'm on the right, good side here). (I'm glad my classmates didn't tell me, whew~) Well even if they did tell me, I'd still know what to do. I do know my rights and I know I'm only doing what's totally right. I don't want to be one of the losers who chose to lie for the sake of their grades. It's not right...
If there's anything I would do that I wouldn't regret, it's to kill that stupid Filipino prof of mine, along with my drafting prof (if he still continues noticing me too much). :///)
Oh, I can't wait 'til it's my 18th New Year, where the world will end because I can't turn 18.
Hmm, that's probably enough. I can't burst right now...I'm on an Internet cafe...
So as I fill it up, I was being completely honest, because I'm a responsible student and I have to fulfill my awesome role (rofl).
And yes, my dear classmates who are reading this awesome piece of confession (not really a confession, but you get the point ryt?), I'm the controversial Ms. Wiseness behind that evaluation sheet. I was the one who gave her a bunch of 2's.
Why? Well WHY NOT? :| I definitely think she doesn't deserve getting even just 4! She's not responsible enough. She's even trying to poison us with her drama speeches, like, "--I gave up everything just so you would pass, so don't you dare give me low points!" etc...!
So there, she made sure that we'd give her high points by guarding what we choose. And constantly reminded us of her drama speech.
However, being your outspoken classmate/mistress of awesomeness and boldness, I stood up for what I continuously believe in-- Justice can only be served on your own account.
Honestly, people, stop being idiots. :| There's this thing we call "rights" and "freedom of speech". In fact, that's exactly why blogs and other personal sites (aka pr0n storage?) are allowed to be established on the Internet.
I don't suppose you would agree that my idiot-slash-irresponsible prof is right on blackmailing us with our grades so that we'll be nice to her, would you? Unless if you're a coward too like the rest of the class... In fact, I dare you now to give my lovely name to that old hag and tell her that I'm the one behind that COMPLETELY HONEST evaluation sheet.
She takes this matter waaaay too personal FOR A TEACHER. :|
Old hags shouldn't be allowed to teach in such a university. I just can't comply with losers like her. Besides, she's easy to suck on. Just pretend that you're "friends" and you can be sure that you'd get a good grade.
When she found that sheet, she immediately reacted violently with "Sino'ng nagsulat nito, ha?" and downed the paper in front of my seatmate's desk. "Alam ko isa sa inyo ang gumawa nito e, sa inyo lang galing to, sa (points to our area), sa inyo lang! Nakita ko yun e, tinatago-tago pa niya. Biruin niyo, nasa harap ko na, HARAP-HARAPAN NA MISMO, ginaganyan ako? Pano pa kaya kung nakatalikod ako?"
Of course, I remained silent, and played innocent, while I plan for a perfect back-up for my little mischief (noooo, it's not that at all, I'm totally sure I'm on the right, good side here). (I'm glad my classmates didn't tell me, whew~) Well even if they did tell me, I'd still know what to do. I do know my rights and I know I'm only doing what's totally right. I don't want to be one of the losers who chose to lie for the sake of their grades. It's not right...
If there's anything I would do that I wouldn't regret, it's to kill that stupid Filipino prof of mine, along with my drafting prof (if he still continues noticing me too much). :///)
Oh, I can't wait 'til it's my 18th New Year, where the world will end because I can't turn 18.
Hmm, that's probably enough. I can't burst right now...I'm on an Internet cafe...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
No, not the typhoon Pepeng (he's not coming in our area, unless he dares commit a crime offending me!)...
Aozora no Senki chapter 7!!!!!!!
Thanks a bunch to da-scan!!! I love you entirely! *huggle huggle*
I'm so excited~ I can't wait for the next chapter...
I'd seriously help them out, but I still can't read kanji... And I'm not good with Japanese yet...:( To anyone who can help, please drop them a line HERE!!!
And it seems that today (or this week) is Blogspot's Birthday/Anniversary! Omedetou~!!! (Keep it up! I love this site!! More power, kyaah~!!!
Also, to anyone who is concerned...please help out the victims of Ondoy and Pepeng... You could also donate:
Thanks so much. God bless~
Aozora no Senki chapter 7!!!!!!!
Thanks a bunch to da-scan!!! I love you entirely! *huggle huggle*
I'm so excited~ I can't wait for the next chapter...
I'd seriously help them out, but I still can't read kanji... And I'm not good with Japanese yet...:( To anyone who can help, please drop them a line HERE!!!
And it seems that today (or this week) is Blogspot's Birthday/Anniversary! Omedetou~!!! (Keep it up! I love this site!! More power, kyaah~!!!
Also, to anyone who is concerned...please help out the victims of Ondoy and Pepeng... You could also donate:
Thanks so much. God bless~
aozora no senki,
Friday, October 2, 2009
My Aozora no Senki madness
Dear me,
Just when I was already recovering from the Tales of Legendia fever, here comes another wave--Erementar Gerad: Aozora no Senki!! ><~ God, Achea-chan is just too cute! Her chara design is awesome! (Although she looks too much like my Akasha/Childe chara...) And I love her personality... It's very well-balanced. There's serious, then cutely mad/annoyed/pissed, then competitive, then wise, then cute, and of course the not-giving-up type :3 I just can't get enough of her!!!
Then there's also Jeen. (I thought she's a guy first so I thought it'd be JeenxAchea lolololollll XDDDD) I love her personality too! She appears cold, then naive and cute, then deadly XDD (my favorite page is actually that part when Pou asks her why she agreed to be taken by the Rangits and she says it's for "provocation", then Pou worries what if that settled the whole thing, then Jeen says she'd destroy them and returned to Achea, lol you should see it for yourself! XDDD It's made of win!!! ahahaha!!)
This addiction led me into planning another doujin project. (I've got other doujins on work but I still can't finish them...they're too crappy to be posted on the internet, too.)
It's still got no title, but lemme give y'all the plot.
Childe (my OC) finds an unconscious girl in front of the palace and brings her inside. The girl wakes up and realizes that she's not in her world anymore. Childe discovers that the girl is orphaned and decides to take her in as a princess.
Ehhh looking at those crappy descriptions...makes me wanna stop doing the doujin. It's so crappy! >< (The only reason I'm gonna do a doujin anyway is because Achea and Childe looks so similar...)
Preview of cover page:

Haaaaah~ whatever, just read the frikkin' awesome manga (by my fave mangaka, Mayumi Azuma-sama)!!!
Erementar Gerad: Aozora no Senki (Flag of Blue Sky)
PS: If anyone knows where I could get scans like these:
1. blue sky- I got this from Eval Power (They're not working on it anymore... I hope Da-can wouldn't stop as well!)
2. img 2- I got this from some forum...
Please tell me~ I really want to see them. :<
Just when I was already recovering from the Tales of Legendia fever, here comes another wave--Erementar Gerad: Aozora no Senki!! ><~ God, Achea-chan is just too cute! Her chara design is awesome! (Although she looks too much like my Akasha/Childe chara...) And I love her personality... It's very well-balanced. There's serious, then cutely mad/annoyed/pissed, then competitive, then wise, then cute, and of course the not-giving-up type :3 I just can't get enough of her!!!
Then there's also Jeen. (I thought she's a guy first so I thought it'd be JeenxAchea lolololollll XDDDD) I love her personality too! She appears cold, then naive and cute, then deadly XDD (my favorite page is actually that part when Pou asks her why she agreed to be taken by the Rangits and she says it's for "provocation", then Pou worries what if that settled the whole thing, then Jeen says she'd destroy them and returned to Achea, lol you should see it for yourself! XDDD It's made of win!!! ahahaha!!)
This addiction led me into planning another doujin project. (I've got other doujins on work but I still can't finish them...they're too crappy to be posted on the internet, too.)
It's still got no title, but lemme give y'all the plot.
Childe (my OC) finds an unconscious girl in front of the palace and brings her inside. The girl wakes up and realizes that she's not in her world anymore. Childe discovers that the girl is orphaned and decides to take her in as a princess.
Ehhh looking at those crappy descriptions...makes me wanna stop doing the doujin. It's so crappy! >< (The only reason I'm gonna do a doujin anyway is because Achea and Childe looks so similar...)
Preview of cover page:

Haaaaah~ whatever, just read the frikkin' awesome manga (by my fave mangaka, Mayumi Azuma-sama)!!!
Erementar Gerad: Aozora no Senki (Flag of Blue Sky)
PS: If anyone knows where I could get scans like these:
1. blue sky- I got this from Eval Power (They're not working on it anymore... I hope Da-can wouldn't stop as well!)
2. img 2- I got this from some forum...
Please tell me~ I really want to see them. :<
aozora no senki,
erementar gerad,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Unwanted Jay fanfic
Beginning of college classes in Manila have been canceled due to the A-H1N1 threat, so I'm here typing a part of my Jay fanfic/doujin-to-be to pass time. Here's hoping that you'd like it...
Title: Pure Fault
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: (For this chapter) Jay, Norma, Senel, Harriet, Moses, Will, Shirley, Elsa, Chloe, a female OC; possible ChloexOC, NormaxOC, MosesxOC,
Genre: ...slice-of-life-with-semi-Action-genre genre??? --dies-
Spoilers?: Yes..? Takes place after Grune's CQ
Summary: A mysterious new girl appears and tries to kill Jay. She seems nice to everyone else but him. And...Moses wears clothes. Contains ChloeV.S.Norma, ChloeV.S..Moses, NormaVS.Moses [breaks all ur pairings duuudes, cuz they're going for my OC now, all for the sake of my fanfic] JayV.S.OC, and ElsaV.S.OC
Disclaimer: Tales of Legendia will never be mine. It's Namco's/Bandai's/Project Melfes forever.
The girl finally spoke, "Jay." Jay gave her a sharp look. The girl lifted her right leg and aimed her kick to Jay's head but he quickly acted according to his reflexes and jumped away to evade the kick. The girl responded to Jay's speed and attacked him at a faster rate than his.
"Who's this girl? Why does she know who I am...?" Jay thought to himself as he dodged her consecutive hand strikes. Jay led the girl outside through the window so that his family wouldn't get involved.
"What do you want from me?!" Jay's tone expressed his anger.
The girl stood still and spoke, "Annihilate." She dashed towards Jay, but Jay read her motion and immediately evaded her. She threw a knife aimed at his torso which was successful. Jay dashed to her so she would get cornered but the girl jumped and landed on Jay's head. Jay bowed forward to her her off of his head. She landed on the ground cleanly and with glorious grace, something that one does not expect while in a fast-paced battle.
She was about to slice him on the back but Jay crouched down and hit her, harlem-style, using Hawk Talon. He then followed it with a knife hurl which damaged the girl's side. She stepped back and threw a card towards him. It exploded on his face, and the girl took the time while he's distracted to push him to the ground and stab him with a knife. Fortunately, Jay had been blesses with effective reflexes; he grabbed the girl by the thigh using his left leg and lifted up his right leg to her crotch. The method was effective enough to bring her to the ground. She rolled to a sitting position, her left leg bent to the ground, not looking tired at all.
From the sky, a loud set of thunders roared. The girl looked worried and immediately ran away. Jay wanted to pursue her but he felt so tired and felt that it would only lead to more trouble if he met her again.
Morning. Jay remembers his appointment with Will and the others. After the event which involved Grune's disappearance, Jay learned to tolerate the gang. He left for the Werites Beacon right after his breakfast with the Oresoren. The street where Will's house stands is the meeting place. Norma, Senel, and Harriet were standing in front of the fences on the front right side, wearing summer outfits.
"Hey, JJ!" Norma exclaimed, waving at JJ with her left hand so high that it pulled her light yellow summer dress slightly up.
"You killjoy, why aren't you wearing a summer outfit?!" She continued. Jay just shrugged.
"Oh, that's right. Emo kids never wear summer clothes, do they? Humph, what a jerk." Norma frowned and made sure it would reach Jay's distress signal somehow. "You know, Moses would wear clothes, for once, just for this event! How come you wouldn't cooperate?!" Norma furiously asked, banging her hands up and down.
"Norma, give it up. It's just clothes. What's important is that he's going." Senel told her, narrowing his eyes with his arms crossed. Jay nodded. "Besides, I won't play dress up just to impress you."
Norma crouched down to Harriet's level and whispered to her, "Or maybe he just doesn't have other clothes, aside from the costumes." Harriet giggled. For once, they actually agreed on something.
Will soon came out from his house holding two baskets. Moses followed with a huge backpack. Jay glared at him because he's actually wearing CLOTHES. (He feels upset about it, somehow...)
Right after they came out, some of the other group members showed up. Those were Shirley, Chloe, and Elsa.
"Sorry we're late!" Elsa exclaimed, putting a hand on her chest while huffing.
"Are you sure you'd be okay?" Chloe asked, out of concern. Elsa furiously nodded to make sure that Chloe would be convinced, or else she won't be allowed to go with them. Like everyone else, with the exception of Jay, the girls were wearing summer clothes. Yes, even Chloe.
"Okay. Now that we're complete..." Will said, but was interrupted by Shirley.
"E...excuse me... Before we set out, let us first introduce to you..." A girl appeared from behind Chloe. "Xyrene."
Jay stepped back. It's the same girl he fought last night.
Shirley continued, "She came to Madam Musette's house last night, and I have been asked to take care of her for a while." The girl bowed politely, hiding her face in the shadows and her side bangs.
Norma rushed to her and bowed to her level to see her face.
"Hi there! I'm Norma! Welcome to the group!" She said warmly, which made Xyrene look at her and blush. "Omaigosh, you look so cuuute~" She said sweetly, to which Chloe agreed.
"I know! Isn't she adorable~?♥ I wanna take her home~♥" Chloe was blushing hard and looked so feminine, which fitted her summer dress perfectly. She then went back to herself with and "Ahem, excuse me."
The rest of the group introduced themselves to the new girl. Everyone else liked Xyrene, except for Elsa, and of course, Jay, who just pretended that he's not familiar with her.
The group finally left and headed to the Lumen Spring. As soon as they reached the place, Will and Moses put down the baskets and the heavy backpack. Chloe, Elsa, and Shirley helped lay down the three picnic cloth together on the ground, while Norma played with Xyrene and Harriet, as if she's one of the kids herself.
Senel was standing far from them with Jay.
"So why couldn't the Oresoren come?" Senel asked, trying to fill in the empty space of silence between them.
Jay's reply was, "They're trying to fix a part of the village. I told them they could do it later but they insisted that I just go on alone."
Senel looked up, trying to find what to say to keep themselves busy.
Jay was staring sharply at Xyrene; her graceful motion, her flowing hair that dances with the wind, and her innocent façade, and her evil gaze at him as she turned back to see him. Jay was startled but hid that expression by looking at his right side, and sees Senel, who gave him a weirded out look. He then smirked, which Jay ignored. Senel thinks he knows what's going on. (wau, not-so-dense Senel rofl epic fail)
"Hey guys! All's prepared~" Norma sang while waving at them with a huge smile on her face. Norma sat beside Moses, while Xyrene was on her left side. The arrangement was:
Clockwise, Will, on the topmost center [12 o'clock], Harriet on his left [1 o'clock], Jay [2 o'clock], Elsa[ 4 o'clock], Moses [6 o'clock] Norma [7 o'clock], Xyrene [8 o'clock], Chloe [9 o'clock], Senel [10 o'clock], and Shirley [11 o'clock]
Jay stared at Xyrene for one more time. She held the butter knife with such elegance that it masks her deadly side perfectly. As she spread butter on the bread, she looked at him and smiled politely. It annoys Jay deep down but feels that he shouldn't act too early while everyone is still trusting her. "It's all in the timing," he keeps telling himself.
End of Chapter 1
Haaah oh god, I feel so embarassed of myself now. I couldn't even make a decent Jay line OTL... Sorry if I can't make the other characters talk , but let's assume they're all like that due to Grune's disappearance...(especially MOSES, or maybe it's his makes him unhappy D: ) And yes, I fail forever at grammar and creative English.
Personal notes: I personally think Elsa has more reason to hate Xyrene lmao XDDD And finally, Chloe could forget stupid Coolidge and be content with being bi after all--?
I feel rejected so I'm posting this shit here. :) Thank you~ Now please die upon my command. ^_^
Title: Pure Fault
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: (For this chapter) Jay, Norma, Senel, Harriet, Moses, Will, Shirley, Elsa, Chloe, a female OC; possible ChloexOC, NormaxOC, MosesxOC,
Genre: ...slice-of-life-with-semi-Action-genre genre??? --dies-
Spoilers?: Yes..? Takes place after Grune's CQ
Summary: A mysterious new girl appears and tries to kill Jay. She seems nice to everyone else but him. And...Moses wears clothes. Contains ChloeV.S.Norma, ChloeV.S..Moses, NormaVS.Moses [breaks all ur pairings duuudes, cuz they're going for my OC now, all for the sake of my fanfic] JayV.S.OC, and ElsaV.S.OC
Disclaimer: Tales of Legendia will never be mine. It's Namco's/Bandai's/Project Melfes forever.
Chapter 1: Elegance, Grace
"I'm home," Jay said, unlatching the door and taking a step inside the house. Poppo warmly invites him to eat dinner to which Jay replies with "No thanks. I just...wanna rest for now." He headed to his bedroom and reached out to pull the blanket off, only to find a girl on his bed. To his surprise, he stepped back. He watched the girl as she opened her eyes, her face lightening up to the bright moonshine, and rubbed her eyes. She stared at him for a moment.
Jay stuttered as he asked, "Wh...who are you?! And why are you in my bed?!" The girl suddenly jumped out of the bed, her legs straightened while her feet gracefully reached the ground. She stared at him more, approaching him while Jay stepped back further as she stepped in.
"I'm home," Jay said, unlatching the door and taking a step inside the house. Poppo warmly invites him to eat dinner to which Jay replies with "No thanks. I just...wanna rest for now." He headed to his bedroom and reached out to pull the blanket off, only to find a girl on his bed. To his surprise, he stepped back. He watched the girl as she opened her eyes, her face lightening up to the bright moonshine, and rubbed her eyes. She stared at him for a moment.
Jay stuttered as he asked, "Wh...who are you?! And why are you in my bed?!" The girl suddenly jumped out of the bed, her legs straightened while her feet gracefully reached the ground. She stared at him more, approaching him while Jay stepped back further as she stepped in.
The girl finally spoke, "Jay." Jay gave her a sharp look. The girl lifted her right leg and aimed her kick to Jay's head but he quickly acted according to his reflexes and jumped away to evade the kick. The girl responded to Jay's speed and attacked him at a faster rate than his.
"Who's this girl? Why does she know who I am...?" Jay thought to himself as he dodged her consecutive hand strikes. Jay led the girl outside through the window so that his family wouldn't get involved.
"What do you want from me?!" Jay's tone expressed his anger.
The girl stood still and spoke, "Annihilate." She dashed towards Jay, but Jay read her motion and immediately evaded her. She threw a knife aimed at his torso which was successful. Jay dashed to her so she would get cornered but the girl jumped and landed on Jay's head. Jay bowed forward to her her off of his head. She landed on the ground cleanly and with glorious grace, something that one does not expect while in a fast-paced battle.
She was about to slice him on the back but Jay crouched down and hit her, harlem-style, using Hawk Talon. He then followed it with a knife hurl which damaged the girl's side. She stepped back and threw a card towards him. It exploded on his face, and the girl took the time while he's distracted to push him to the ground and stab him with a knife. Fortunately, Jay had been blesses with effective reflexes; he grabbed the girl by the thigh using his left leg and lifted up his right leg to her crotch. The method was effective enough to bring her to the ground. She rolled to a sitting position, her left leg bent to the ground, not looking tired at all.
From the sky, a loud set of thunders roared. The girl looked worried and immediately ran away. Jay wanted to pursue her but he felt so tired and felt that it would only lead to more trouble if he met her again.
Morning. Jay remembers his appointment with Will and the others. After the event which involved Grune's disappearance, Jay learned to tolerate the gang. He left for the Werites Beacon right after his breakfast with the Oresoren. The street where Will's house stands is the meeting place. Norma, Senel, and Harriet were standing in front of the fences on the front right side, wearing summer outfits.
"Hey, JJ!" Norma exclaimed, waving at JJ with her left hand so high that it pulled her light yellow summer dress slightly up.
"You killjoy, why aren't you wearing a summer outfit?!" She continued. Jay just shrugged.
"Oh, that's right. Emo kids never wear summer clothes, do they? Humph, what a jerk." Norma frowned and made sure it would reach Jay's distress signal somehow. "You know, Moses would wear clothes, for once, just for this event! How come you wouldn't cooperate?!" Norma furiously asked, banging her hands up and down.
"Norma, give it up. It's just clothes. What's important is that he's going." Senel told her, narrowing his eyes with his arms crossed. Jay nodded. "Besides, I won't play dress up just to impress you."
Norma crouched down to Harriet's level and whispered to her, "Or maybe he just doesn't have other clothes, aside from the costumes." Harriet giggled. For once, they actually agreed on something.
Will soon came out from his house holding two baskets. Moses followed with a huge backpack. Jay glared at him because he's actually wearing CLOTHES. (He feels upset about it, somehow...)
Right after they came out, some of the other group members showed up. Those were Shirley, Chloe, and Elsa.
"Sorry we're late!" Elsa exclaimed, putting a hand on her chest while huffing.
"Are you sure you'd be okay?" Chloe asked, out of concern. Elsa furiously nodded to make sure that Chloe would be convinced, or else she won't be allowed to go with them. Like everyone else, with the exception of Jay, the girls were wearing summer clothes. Yes, even Chloe.
"Okay. Now that we're complete..." Will said, but was interrupted by Shirley.
"E...excuse me... Before we set out, let us first introduce to you..." A girl appeared from behind Chloe. "Xyrene."
Jay stepped back. It's the same girl he fought last night.
Shirley continued, "She came to Madam Musette's house last night, and I have been asked to take care of her for a while." The girl bowed politely, hiding her face in the shadows and her side bangs.
Norma rushed to her and bowed to her level to see her face.
"Hi there! I'm Norma! Welcome to the group!" She said warmly, which made Xyrene look at her and blush. "Omaigosh, you look so cuuute~" She said sweetly, to which Chloe agreed.
"I know! Isn't she adorable~?♥ I wanna take her home~♥" Chloe was blushing hard and looked so feminine, which fitted her summer dress perfectly. She then went back to herself with and "Ahem, excuse me."
The rest of the group introduced themselves to the new girl. Everyone else liked Xyrene, except for Elsa, and of course, Jay, who just pretended that he's not familiar with her.
The group finally left and headed to the Lumen Spring. As soon as they reached the place, Will and Moses put down the baskets and the heavy backpack. Chloe, Elsa, and Shirley helped lay down the three picnic cloth together on the ground, while Norma played with Xyrene and Harriet, as if she's one of the kids herself.
Senel was standing far from them with Jay.
"So why couldn't the Oresoren come?" Senel asked, trying to fill in the empty space of silence between them.
Jay's reply was, "They're trying to fix a part of the village. I told them they could do it later but they insisted that I just go on alone."
Senel looked up, trying to find what to say to keep themselves busy.
Jay was staring sharply at Xyrene; her graceful motion, her flowing hair that dances with the wind, and her innocent façade, and her evil gaze at him as she turned back to see him. Jay was startled but hid that expression by looking at his right side, and sees Senel, who gave him a weirded out look. He then smirked, which Jay ignored. Senel thinks he knows what's going on. (wau, not-so-dense Senel rofl epic fail)
"Hey guys! All's prepared~" Norma sang while waving at them with a huge smile on her face. Norma sat beside Moses, while Xyrene was on her left side. The arrangement was:
Clockwise, Will, on the topmost center [12 o'clock], Harriet on his left [1 o'clock], Jay [2 o'clock], Elsa[ 4 o'clock], Moses [6 o'clock] Norma [7 o'clock], Xyrene [8 o'clock], Chloe [9 o'clock], Senel [10 o'clock], and Shirley [11 o'clock]
Jay stared at Xyrene for one more time. She held the butter knife with such elegance that it masks her deadly side perfectly. As she spread butter on the bread, she looked at him and smiled politely. It annoys Jay deep down but feels that he shouldn't act too early while everyone is still trusting her. "It's all in the timing," he keeps telling himself.
End of Chapter 1
Haaah oh god, I feel so embarassed of myself now. I couldn't even make a decent Jay line OTL... Sorry if I can't make the other characters talk , but let's assume they're all like that due to Grune's disappearance...(especially MOSES, or maybe it's his makes him unhappy D: ) And yes, I fail forever at grammar and creative English.
Personal notes: I personally think Elsa has more reason to hate Xyrene lmao XDDD
I feel rejected so I'm posting this shit here. :) Thank you~ Now please die upon my command. ^_^
Monday, June 8, 2009
Beginning of college classes in Manila have been cancelled due to the A-H1N1 threat, so I'm here typing a part of my JayxOC fanfic/doujin-to-be to pass time. Here's hoping that you'd like it...
"I'm home," Jay said, unlatching the door and taking a step inside the house. Poppo warmly invites him to eat dinner to which Jay replies with "No thanks. I just...wanna rest for now." He headed to his bedroom and reached out to pull the blanket off, only to find a girl on his bed. To his surprise, he stepped back. He watched the girl as she opened her eyes, her face lightening up to the bright moonshine, and rubbed her eyes. She stared at him for a moment. Jay stuttered as he asked, "Wh...who are you?! And why are you in my bed?!" The girl suddenly jumped out of the bed, her legs straightened while her feet gracefully reached the ground. She stared at him more, approaching him while Jay stepped back further as she stepped in. The girl finally spoke, "Jay." Jay gave her a sharp look. The girl lifted her right leg and aimed her kick to Jay's head but he quickly acted according to his reflexes and jumped away to evade the kick. The girl responded to Jay's speed and attacked him at a faster rate than his.
"Who's this girl? Why does she know who I am...?" Jay thought to himself as he dodged her consecutive hand strikes. Jay led the girl outside through the window so that his family wouldn't get involved. "What do you want from me?!" Jay's tone expressed his anger. The girl stood still and spoke, "Annihilate." She dashed towards Jay, but Jay read her motion and immediately evaded her. She threw a knife aimed at his torso which was successful. Jay dashed to her so she would get cornered but the girl jumped and landed on Jay's head. Jay bowed forward to her her off of his head. She landed on the ground cleanly and with glorious grace, something that one does not expect while in a fast-paced battle.
She was about to slice him on the back but Jay crouched down and hit her, harlem-style, using Hawk Talon. He then followed it with a knife hurl which damaged the girl's side. She stepped back and threw a card towards him. It exploded on his face, and the girl took the time while he's distracted to push him to the ground and stab him with a knife. Fortunately, Jay had been blesses with effective reflexes; he grabed the girl by the thigh using his left leg and lifted up his right leg to her crotch. The method was effective enough to bring her to the ground. She rolled to a sitting position, her left leg bent to the ground, not looking tired at all.
From the sky, a loud set of thuders roared. The girl looked worried and immediately ran away. Jay wanted to pursue her but he felt so tired and felt that it would only lead to more trouble if he met her again.
Morning. Jay remembers his appointment with Will and the others. After the event which involved Grune's disappearance, Jay learned to tolerate the gang. He left for the Werites Beacon right after his breakfast with the Oresoren. The street where Will's house stands is the meeting place. Norma, Senel, and Harriet were standing in front of the fences on the front right side, wearing summer outfits.
"Hey, JJ!" Norma exclaimed, waving at JJ with her left hand so high that it pulled her light yellow summer dress slightly up. "You killjoy, why aren't you wearing a summer outfit?!" She continued. Jay just shrugged. "Oh, that's right. Emo kids never wear summer clothes, do they? Humph, what a jerk." Norma frowned and made sure it would reach Jay's distress signal somehow.
"I'm home," Jay said, unlatching the door and taking a step inside the house. Poppo warmly invites him to eat dinner to which Jay replies with "No thanks. I just...wanna rest for now." He headed to his bedroom and reached out to pull the blanket off, only to find a girl on his bed. To his surprise, he stepped back. He watched the girl as she opened her eyes, her face lightening up to the bright moonshine, and rubbed her eyes. She stared at him for a moment. Jay stuttered as he asked, "Wh...who are you?! And why are you in my bed?!" The girl suddenly jumped out of the bed, her legs straightened while her feet gracefully reached the ground. She stared at him more, approaching him while Jay stepped back further as she stepped in. The girl finally spoke, "Jay." Jay gave her a sharp look. The girl lifted her right leg and aimed her kick to Jay's head but he quickly acted according to his reflexes and jumped away to evade the kick. The girl responded to Jay's speed and attacked him at a faster rate than his.
"Who's this girl? Why does she know who I am...?" Jay thought to himself as he dodged her consecutive hand strikes. Jay led the girl outside through the window so that his family wouldn't get involved. "What do you want from me?!" Jay's tone expressed his anger. The girl stood still and spoke, "Annihilate." She dashed towards Jay, but Jay read her motion and immediately evaded her. She threw a knife aimed at his torso which was successful. Jay dashed to her so she would get cornered but the girl jumped and landed on Jay's head. Jay bowed forward to her her off of his head. She landed on the ground cleanly and with glorious grace, something that one does not expect while in a fast-paced battle.
She was about to slice him on the back but Jay crouched down and hit her, harlem-style, using Hawk Talon. He then followed it with a knife hurl which damaged the girl's side. She stepped back and threw a card towards him. It exploded on his face, and the girl took the time while he's distracted to push him to the ground and stab him with a knife. Fortunately, Jay had been blesses with effective reflexes; he grabed the girl by the thigh using his left leg and lifted up his right leg to her crotch. The method was effective enough to bring her to the ground. She rolled to a sitting position, her left leg bent to the ground, not looking tired at all.
From the sky, a loud set of thuders roared. The girl looked worried and immediately ran away. Jay wanted to pursue her but he felt so tired and felt that it would only lead to more trouble if he met her again.
Morning. Jay remembers his appointment with Will and the others. After the event which involved Grune's disappearance, Jay learned to tolerate the gang. He left for the Werites Beacon right after his breakfast with the Oresoren. The street where Will's house stands is the meeting place. Norma, Senel, and Harriet were standing in front of the fences on the front right side, wearing summer outfits.
"Hey, JJ!" Norma exclaimed, waving at JJ with her left hand so high that it pulled her light yellow summer dress slightly up. "You killjoy, why aren't you wearing a summer outfit?!" She continued. Jay just shrugged. "Oh, that's right. Emo kids never wear summer clothes, do they? Humph, what a jerk." Norma frowned and made sure it would reach Jay's distress signal somehow.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Nightmare Nap and Mystery of Trina Etong
Yesterday, during a scorching afternoon, I felt the need to take a nap because I wanted to watch Born to be Wild, which had kuya Kiko♥ hosting it. In the middle of my nap, I fell into a short dream...or nightmare. I couldn't remember the earlier parts, but I remember that a little girl and an old woman (around 50 years of age, I presume), both of whom I'm supposed to know, came over to the house, then we went to the kitchen. I gave them candies from a candy pouch, each with 3 varied colors and flavors. My brother and I were there too. I was fortunate to get 4 colors instead, with a mocha flavor added.
Then the scene shifted to a bedroom. The male there was supposedly my "uncle" and he raped a black haired girl, and she was anguished, then I dunno how but she turned into a hen afterwards... Suddenly, there was a rooster beside it. It was white, while the hen was brownish. The "uncle" kicked the white rooster because it kept on making noises and it tried to attack him as a counter attack. I kept on thinking, "my uncle is a rapist?" Afterwards, he headed to the kitchen and gave me a bad look. I gave him an evil stare in return, then he headed towards me to hold my jaw and told me he doesn't like it. I was holding a 'walis ting-ting' during that. My heart pounded in anger, then told him, "my parents don't do that to me!" even though dad did it several times before...
The "uncle" turned back to me, and I was ready to attack...
Then my eyes opened energetically. My heart pounded stronger, and I tried to catch my breath. I was awakened from a nightmare...
That case about Trina Etong (Ted Failon's wife)'s "suicide"...doesn't it seem too suspicious? She's left handed, yet the gun was on the right side and it was found a bit far from her hands. She was leaning on the bathroom wall (as reenacted by their maid). Her wound was not direct.
During the first time I saw Mr. Failon's statement about her, when he said he " understood why she committed suicide", it already triggered my suspicion about him because HE DIDN'T SEEM VERY SYMPHATETICAL now, did he? Ms. Trina was also negative in gun powder residue test.
I'm thinking of several views about this.
Either it was a planned "ambush" in which Ted had someone else do it, or they just moved the crime pieces in order to confuse the authority, or there's something else...
Then the scene shifted to a bedroom. The male there was supposedly my "uncle" and he raped a black haired girl, and she was anguished, then I dunno how but she turned into a hen afterwards... Suddenly, there was a rooster beside it. It was white, while the hen was brownish. The "uncle" kicked the white rooster because it kept on making noises and it tried to attack him as a counter attack. I kept on thinking, "my uncle is a rapist?" Afterwards, he headed to the kitchen and gave me a bad look. I gave him an evil stare in return, then he headed towards me to hold my jaw and told me he doesn't like it. I was holding a 'walis ting-ting' during that. My heart pounded in anger, then told him, "my parents don't do that to me!" even though dad did it several times before...
The "uncle" turned back to me, and I was ready to attack...
Then my eyes opened energetically. My heart pounded stronger, and I tried to catch my breath. I was awakened from a nightmare...
That case about Trina Etong (Ted Failon's wife)'s "suicide"...doesn't it seem too suspicious? She's left handed, yet the gun was on the right side and it was found a bit far from her hands. She was leaning on the bathroom wall (as reenacted by their maid). Her wound was not direct.
During the first time I saw Mr. Failon's statement about her, when he said he " understood why she committed suicide", it already triggered my suspicion about him because HE DIDN'T SEEM VERY SYMPHATETICAL now, did he? Ms. Trina was also negative in gun powder residue test.
I'm thinking of several views about this.
Either it was a planned "ambush" in which Ted had someone else do it, or they just moved the crime pieces in order to confuse the authority, or there's something else...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I wish we could get enrolled in some activities centre...
I'm serious. -_____-
It's boring here...and my body keeps on feeling lazy because I don't do anything other than sit around and do nothing. -______-
And...we don't have summer allowance you know. :|
It's boring here...and my body keeps on feeling lazy because I don't do anything other than sit around and do nothing. -______-
And...we don't have summer allowance you know. :|
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Abandoned Rune
Bardic Voices (Book 1: The Lark and the Wren) by Mercedes Lackey
I previously introduced Bardic Voices in my FS blog and said that I'll work on a Rune character impression sketch. And I did.
But since I had to return the book to the owner because they had fire (and she's not sure if she could get back to work where my mom does) , I wasn't able to finish it. :( I'm quite sad... My first impression on the book is that it's full of adventures and fiddle playing...
Anyways, I used the book's front cover as a basis for Rune. She looked kinda old there, despite being only 16 years old. She was described in the book as "tall, thin,..." and I friggin' forgot, but they're trying to give her the impression that she's not too attractive... That's not how my mind visualized her, seeing that she's the MAIN CHARACTER, and she FIDDLES, and those things kinda make me think that she's gotta be good-looking somehow. My sketch ended up like this:
This is the raw, uncleaned/untouched-by-photoshop version, which explains why it's got stains and it's messy. I can't give more details on the fiddle because I don't have a good reference for it, aside from the book cover, which happens to be small and a bit dark... I wanted to put more details on her clothes too...
I changed Rune's clothes too because...err, she's 16, wth...
I also made a Rune expressions sheet.
It's not complete, though, considering that I don't want to guess her complete personality. These are horrible, but nonetheless, who cares, right? It's not like it'd get published outside blogspot anyway... Oh yeah, and the back image was the Promervaile Shaia portrait... It's so dark that it got scanned along ^^'
I was going to make one for Rune's mother too, who was described in the book as "pretty, doll-faced Stara" but I forgot how I visualized her. :( That's all.
I previously introduced Bardic Voices in my FS blog and said that I'll work on a Rune character impression sketch. And I did.
But since I had to return the book to the owner because they had fire (and she's not sure if she could get back to work where my mom does) , I wasn't able to finish it. :( I'm quite sad... My first impression on the book is that it's full of adventures and fiddle playing...
Anyways, I used the book's front cover as a basis for Rune. She looked kinda old there, despite being only 16 years old. She was described in the book as "tall, thin,..." and I friggin' forgot, but they're trying to give her the impression that she's not too attractive... That's not how my mind visualized her, seeing that she's the MAIN CHARACTER, and she FIDDLES, and those things kinda make me think that she's gotta be good-looking somehow. My sketch ended up like this:

I changed Rune's clothes too because...err, she's 16, wth...
I also made a Rune expressions sheet.

I was going to make one for Rune's mother too, who was described in the book as "pretty, doll-faced Stara" but I forgot how I visualized her. :( That's all.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Collab Manga Project: Nursery!
I contacted Trance-san about an idea of turning the Clan Exodus and Genesis into children one day. We went into sharing of ideas, then finally we had a rough draft of the story.
With the exception of Xene (because according to Trance, he can't draw small children with bewbs XDDD), the twin clan Exodus and Genesis' members have been turned into children after Xene played with Raei's potions. She didn't know that those weren't really supposed to be potions, but juices for their afternoon siesta, and this results to the members being shrinked into the size of children. (They act very childish along with that.) Since Xene went out after being scolded by Raei, she didn't get to drink the juice/potion.
Meanwhile, Frhaine was performing a Dream Summoner spell as a part of her practice. She accidentally causes a time loop, sending the Hermetics children into their time. She was obliged to take care of them. Rienzan was against the idea of having to babysit them since he wasn't really involved, but being a pedo (oops), he eventually gets convinced.
The result becomes a (soon-to-be) bunch of yonkoma pages and some normal manga pages.
It will be a webcomic. But I have no idea where to post the pages yet. Anyway, I'll get around to do them since it won't be too long before I stop being busy with failing stupid school.
I've finished the front cover!

Frhaine: Why am I the MAID~ *T_T*
Rienzan: *looks far with perverted look* Me likes this job
Shaia: *holding a cuuuuuuute bunneh* Cuuute♥
Blaire: Tehehe
Risan: SHOCK~ *Expired Bentou?!*
Raei and Sonarra are sleeping.
It will be called Nursery! (With the exclamation point) The Chronicles of the Hermetics Children
I CAN'T draw children because I dunno how children's CLOTHES should be. Hence, the sucky clothing. Wtf, I dun think children would wear those.
But hey, at least Frhaine's wearing maid (moe) clothes. Rienzan looks too short in tharr. >.> The paper is stupidly small...or maybe I just drew them too big. O_O;
The story was written by me and Trance, and the illustrations will be a divided work for us too. Our styles are similar so it's not a problem. :D
(I do hope he could find time to help though...^^;)
Updates to follow. Stay tuned! ^_~
With the exception of Xene (because according to Trance, he can't draw small children with bewbs XDDD), the twin clan Exodus and Genesis' members have been turned into children after Xene played with Raei's potions. She didn't know that those weren't really supposed to be potions, but juices for their afternoon siesta, and this results to the members being shrinked into the size of children. (They act very childish along with that.) Since Xene went out after being scolded by Raei, she didn't get to drink the juice/potion.
Meanwhile, Frhaine was performing a Dream Summoner spell as a part of her practice. She accidentally causes a time loop, sending the Hermetics children into their time. She was obliged to take care of them. Rienzan was against the idea of having to babysit them since he wasn't really involved, but being a pedo (oops), he eventually gets convinced.
The result becomes a (soon-to-be) bunch of yonkoma pages and some normal manga pages.
It will be a webcomic. But I have no idea where to post the pages yet. Anyway, I'll get around to do them since it won't be too long before I stop being busy with failing stupid school.
I've finished the front cover!
Frhaine: Why am I the MAID~ *T_T*
Rienzan: *looks far with perverted look* Me likes this job
Shaia: *holding a cuuuuuuute bunneh* Cuuute♥
Blaire: Tehehe
Risan: SHOCK~ *Expired Bentou?!*
Raei and Sonarra are sleeping.
It will be called Nursery! (With the exclamation point) The Chronicles of the Hermetics Children
I CAN'T draw children because I dunno how children's CLOTHES should be. Hence, the sucky clothing. Wtf, I dun think children would wear those.
But hey, at least Frhaine's wearing maid (moe) clothes. Rienzan looks too short in tharr. >.> The paper is stupidly small...or maybe I just drew them too big. O_O;
The story was written by me and Trance, and the illustrations will be a divided work for us too. Our styles are similar so it's not a problem. :D
(I do hope he could find time to help though...^^;)
Updates to follow. Stay tuned! ^_~
Perhaps I could just...
Last Monday, I had a dream. I died, then I heaved up a breath and came back to life and I'm on the other side of the bed. During my death, I was somewhere in heaven and I think I talked to God or something. But anyway, I came back to life. And then I awoke.
Today, I wish I could do that. I wish I could just die for a moment then come back to life again.
I fear that I'll fail Calculus again, despite already mastering the formulas. I'm blaming Ronald for this. And I blame myself for listening. :|
I just wanna die soon...
Last Monday, I had a dream. I died, then I heaved up a breath and came back to life and I'm on the other side of the bed. During my death, I was somewhere in heaven and I think I talked to God or something. But anyway, I came back to life. And then I awoke.
Today, I wish I could do that. I wish I could just die for a moment then come back to life again.
I fear that I'll fail Calculus again, despite already mastering the formulas. I'm blaming Ronald for this. And I blame myself for listening. :|
I just wanna die soon...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My Japanese Name (?)
Taken from Lhea's bulletin in FS
HELLO FRIENDS..! Please fill your name in Japanese (refer to table below) and send it to all of your friends to show how crazy it looks like.... PLEASE PASS IT ON........ DON'T SPOIL and BREAK THE FUN................ > A - ka > B - tu > C - mi > D - te > E - ku > F - lu > G - ji > H - ri > I - ki > J - zu > K - me > L - ta > M - rin > N - to > O - mo > P - no > Q - ke > R - shi > S - ari > T -chi > U - do > V - ru > W -mei > X - na > Y - fu > Z - zi > .Carmen - Mikashirinkuto > 2.Ikenna - Kimekutotoka > 3.Jane - Zukatoku > 4.Noah - Tomokari (U can just call me 'Kari) > 5.Gideon - Jikitekumoto > 6.Chibuzo - Mirikitudozimo > 7.Ansa - katoarika > 8.Deborah-tekutumoshikari > 9.Lazarus - Takazika > 10.Adeola-Katekumotaka > 11.Lekan - kikumekato > 12.Uche- Domiriku > 13.Enyinnaya - kutofutotokafuka (what a name indeed) > 14.Chike--Mirikimeku 15.ISAAC...kiarikakami (just call me kami) > 16.Mariam- Rinkashikikarin ( simply call KIKA) > 17.Zusi-Zidoariki (Zido or Riki) 18.Kenneth - Mekutotokuchiri(hmmm.... I think i like kuchiri) > 19.Juliet - Zudotakikuchi (Dot sounds cool) > 20.Moji - Rinmozuki > 21.Wale -Meikataku > 22.Florence - lutamoshikutomiku (sounds like yoruba) s > 23. Benedict- Tukutokutekimichi > 24. Sade - Arikateku > 25. David - Tekarukite (just call me Tekarukite!) > 26. Sachin - arikamirikito ....puuuffff finally done :)) > 27. Pradeep - noshikatekukuno Wow starts with a No and ends with one as well. > 28. Neha- tokurika --------AWESOME J 29. Parul - Nokashidota - ( not bad I can pronounce J ) > 30. Jeetika - Zukukuchikimeka (thank god I am an Indian) > 31. Sandeep-Arikatotekukuno > 32. kim- mekirin > 33. Nathan - tokachirikato > 34. я♥s e- shimo ariku [hangkyut!!!] 35. KaRLo- mekashitamo [prang ng mumura lng T_T] hihih brrrr > 36. CARRE - mikashishiku (haha funny) 37. Jayvee - Zukafurukuku (baho naman... Ganyan ba talaga mga name sa japanese?..) > 38. Jami-kun - Zukarinku-kun (yossu~! astig . . .hehehe) > 39. Apple- Kanonotaku :]] (LOL.) 40:myra-rinfushika(kawaii!!!) 41.nicole---tokimi motaku [angkyut!] 42.park yunhae---nokashime fudotorikaku [WOW! hahaha angkuletz nmn!] 43.naruko---tokashi domemo [ang domemo daw! ahahah!] > 44. KRISTEN- mishikiari chikuto haha 45. JOHCHAN- zumokatotoka lumoshichiku( nice and funny~) 46. PATRICIA >>> nokachishikimikika mimoarichika ... [[ pRnG gA.gO LnG nMn ..!!! ]] > 47.GWYN JOYCE-jimeifuto zumofumiku(lolz) > 48.♥MARIELLE♥-♥rinka shikaku tatako♥ 49.Patricia= nokachishikimikika arikatokashikuzi:]] > vanez->>rukatokuzi..ruka nlng!>(haha. d naman yan 22o weh!) XD > 50. Louise - Tamodokiariku. [ Parang tnga lng, Haha! XD ] > 51. Yellow - Sayaka! > 52. Lorelie - Tamoshikutakiku (prang resto. lang ah) > 53. Emarian- Kurinkashikikato ( hahaha funny... > 54. Erlie - Kushitakiku (haaha...ka cute...heehehe) > 55. andrew nicolas-katoteshikumei tokimimotakaari (((hehehe)) > 56. hazeljane - rikazikuta zukatoku- woahaha ano daw? > 57. jeif - zukukilu (puta bayuta oi...) > 58. dan - tekato (xit! ang pangit! > 59. calvin - mikatarukito (hahah..sagwa..)XD > 60. Nestor- toko-arichimoshi .ngeee! :)) > 61. Czarena- mizikashikutoka (hahaha..ka cute)) >62. BAI CASSANDRA- TUKAKI MIKAARIKATOSHIKA [PAGKATAAS HAHA! DILI PA NGA YAN FULL NAME HAHAHA!] 62. MHERI- RINRIKUSHIKI :O 63. Berlyn- Tukushitafuto (what the!)
HELLO FRIENDS..! Please fill your name in Japanese (refer to table below) and send it to all of your friends to show how crazy it looks like.... PLEASE PASS IT ON........ DON'T SPOIL and BREAK THE FUN................ > A - ka > B - tu > C - mi > D - te > E - ku > F - lu > G - ji > H - ri > I - ki > J - zu > K - me > L - ta > M - rin > N - to > O - mo > P - no > Q - ke > R - shi > S - ari > T -chi > U - do > V - ru > W -mei > X - na > Y - fu > Z - zi > .Carmen - Mikashirinkuto > 2.Ikenna - Kimekutotoka > 3.Jane - Zukatoku > 4.Noah - Tomokari (U can just call me 'Kari) > 5.Gideon - Jikitekumoto > 6.Chibuzo - Mirikitudozimo > 7.Ansa - katoarika > 8.Deborah-tekutumoshikari > 9.Lazarus - Takazika > 10.Adeola-Katekumotaka > 11.Lekan - kikumekato > 12.Uche- Domiriku > 13.Enyinnaya - kutofutotokafuka (what a name indeed) > 14.Chike--Mirikimeku 15.ISAAC...kiarikakami (just call me kami) > 16.Mariam- Rinkashikikarin ( simply call KIKA) > 17.Zusi-Zidoariki (Zido or Riki) 18.Kenneth - Mekutotokuchiri(hmmm.... I think i like kuchiri) > 19.Juliet - Zudotakikuchi (Dot sounds cool) > 20.Moji - Rinmozuki > 21.Wale -Meikataku > 22.Florence - lutamoshikutomiku (sounds like yoruba) s > 23. Benedict- Tukutokutekimichi > 24. Sade - Arikateku > 25. David - Tekarukite (just call me Tekarukite!) > 26. Sachin - arikamirikito ....puuuffff finally done :)) > 27. Pradeep - noshikatekukuno Wow starts with a No and ends with one as well. > 28. Neha- tokurika --------AWESOME J 29. Parul - Nokashidota - ( not bad I can pronounce J ) > 30. Jeetika - Zukukuchikimeka (thank god I am an Indian) > 31. Sandeep-Arikatotekukuno > 32. kim- mekirin > 33. Nathan - tokachirikato > 34. я♥s e- shimo ariku [hangkyut!!!] 35. KaRLo- mekashitamo [prang ng mumura lng T_T] hihih brrrr > 36. CARRE - mikashishiku (haha funny) 37. Jayvee - Zukafurukuku (baho naman... Ganyan ba talaga mga name sa japanese?..) > 38. Jami-kun - Zukarinku-kun (yossu~! astig . . .hehehe) > 39. Apple- Kanonotaku :]] (LOL.) 40:myra-rinfushika(kawaii!!!) 41.nicole---tokimi motaku [angkyut!] 42.park yunhae---nokashime fudotorikaku [WOW! hahaha angkuletz nmn!] 43.naruko---tokashi domemo [ang domemo daw! ahahah!] > 44. KRISTEN- mishikiari chikuto haha 45. JOHCHAN- zumokatotoka lumoshichiku( nice and funny~) 46. PATRICIA >>> nokachishikimikika mimoarichika ... [[ pRnG gA.gO LnG nMn ..!!! ]] > 47.GWYN JOYCE-jimeifuto zumofumiku(lolz) > 48.♥MARIELLE♥-♥rinka shikaku tatako♥ 49.Patricia= nokachishikimikika arikatokashikuzi:]] > vanez->>rukatokuzi..ruka nlng!>(haha. d naman yan 22o weh!) XD > 50. Louise - Tamodokiariku. [ Parang tnga lng, Haha! XD ] > 51. Yellow - Sayaka! > 52. Lorelie - Tamoshikutakiku (prang resto. lang ah) > 53. Emarian- Kurinkashikikato ( hahaha funny... > 54. Erlie - Kushitakiku (haaha...ka cute...heehehe) > 55. andrew nicolas-katoteshikumei tokimimotakaari (((hehehe)) > 56. hazeljane - rikazikuta zukatoku- woahaha ano daw? > 57. jeif - zukukilu (puta bayuta oi...) > 58. dan - tekato (xit! ang pangit! > 59. calvin - mikatarukito (hahah..sagwa..)XD > 60. Nestor- toko-arichimoshi .ngeee! :)) > 61. Czarena- mizikashikutoka (hahaha..ka cute)) >62. BAI CASSANDRA- TUKAKI MIKAARIKATOSHIKA [PAGKATAAS HAHA! DILI PA NGA YAN FULL NAME HAHAHA!] 62. MHERI- RINRIKUSHIKI :O 63. Berlyn- Tukushitafuto (what the!)
Sucks, cuz Japanese don't have L in their alphabet. It's replaced by R instead. :| What a stupid, inaccurate shit. :|
Sucks, cuz Japanese don't have L in their alphabet. It's replaced by R instead. :| What a stupid, inaccurate shit. :|
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