-____- *not in the mood for titles...but that one was on my mind since yesterday...
Anyways, I absurdly procrastinated on this one... My computer lags when I save it... I don't like that. I bet this is around 25 MB or something... Oh wait! I checked...it's actually 45 MB! *sigh* All for the good of Mother's Day...
I was gonna post an emo description on this one, but it's waaaaay past the computer limit, so see you tomorrow, 'kay? :D :blowkiss:
I'll explain later. Read it, plz.
I added sparks for the gay effect. :3
I stopped working on the hair... It's hard... And the skin tone, too... I DON"T CARE< SHUDDUP
I was going to work on the green bubble things and turn them into leaves, but yeah, the computer lags, as I've said for the nth time now. I tried Pointillism. If you don't know it, then wtf do I care?! I don't need to explain!
I really don't care if you hate it. It's just the same assumption as with Rienzan: Prince of the Night, anyway. Yeah, I hate guys like you who can't see my effort
Sarcasms on board. You can't blame me for sleeping too much, you know. I have no control when I'm not in proper line of consciousness.
This isn't for you, so wtf do I care if you don't like it? :|
My mom likes everything that I do. I shouldn't be bothered by you guys if you say you hate this because it looks so incomplete. Well, swallowing my pride to admit it, but it IS entirely my fault because I stopped working on this one... I had other works. This stresses me much lately...
I know working for this for days isn't enough to match my mom's sacrifices for raising us... But still. I want her to know that I love her deeply, despite having much conflicts lately.
It might sound weird, but since I was in Grade 4 or so, I was always thinking that she loves my younger brother more... I think I'm a really selfish bastard teenager. It should be normal, I guess, but I don't like having that feeling towards my mom, because every night, I just cry, thinking of scenes using my characters...
I get teary-eyed in writing this. Let's stop now.
(You didn't read it all, anyway. T_T)
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