Saturday, April 12, 2008

Chara Meme :p

I can't keep it in the meme form...sorry, this is just for fun anyway. :shrug:

Characters I chose:
Girls: Paine, Shara, Fran, Chloe Valens, Saber, Konata!!!, Hyuuga Hinata(some other fem. charas)
Guys: Baralai, Mewt/Llednar, Balthier, Jay, Moses, (oh fine, let's add Senel T_T) Archer, Neji, (and some more guys!)

1) What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her. Likewise if you dislike the character.
--Girls-Well firstly, they're my favorite type of characters; strong females, highly good with combat, cute/pretty/smexeh, kinda tsundere-type...inspirational, they have wisdom, and they're the type of girls I can come up with many fanfics involving guys. Blah, blah, blah, I could go on with the long explanation (I love doing that :D) but dear, MagicknightDiz won't take it! X3 And I'd be another soap opera, harharhar -_-
I like them because they're usually my base for Shaia and other cold, boyish females. I also like girls that aren't the focus of all attention; like semi-main charas... I wish I could keep Shaia like that...
In Konata's case, however, since she's portrayed as a "chibi" character, she might not seem "smexeh", but I think she is, cuz she's totally mah type of person. :D She's an otaku, and I can relate to her mostly, especially when she tries to escape her studies :giggle: and she makes fun/makes green jokes :giggle: like meh... I wish I was her; she can talk to her friends like normal and not feel weird/conscious about it. Mostly, I feel like I'm kinda like her, though you really don't see that in me...
Hinata, on the other hand, shares some inspirations in me, though personally, I'm not Uzumaki Naruto's greatest fan... I liked her as a shy and weak girl then she gradually helps herself out. She's an inspiration.

--Males-For some reason, RPGs and most anime ALWAYS feature cute guys, appearing with lots of charisma (OMIGOSH!!!) so naturally, I'd end up dreaming about them and making too much fanfics, lol. They're actually my base for Risan, Jhay, Rienzan, and other guys.

2) Is he/she important to the general plot?
--Girls-Well, as I stated before, I like semi-main characters. They're more mysterious than the main characters (except for Kona-chan, Chloe, and Saber). I especially loved Paine's mysteriousness... She's cool, calm, cold-shouldered, wowzers...
I do believe they're important. The Gullwings won't be a trio without Paine; Ritz wouldn't be convinced to keep her hair white if Shara never told her that it's considered the best blessing to the viera race; Fran...I dunno, I played the game but never got hooked with it, so I never made it to Fran's appearance, but she's a cool character...with a really cool voice. :D Chloe, of course, is very important! She's the reason of the love triangle (or it might be some other polygon if you included the other girls who had a crush/fell in love with that idiot Senel, and you had to add Walter). Also, her story arc was the best. ;P Saber was a main character, so yes, indeed, she's important. She's Shirou's love interest! XDDD Konata was another main character. She's important because she leads the story SOOOO WELL!!!!! I LOVE YOU KONATA!!!!!!! *fangirl scream* I dunno about Hinata, though...but her fanbase is strong :D

--Guys- Well yeah, they really are. Maybe Baralai, Llednar, and Archer weren't given that much focus, though, but I love semi-main charas, and they have depth that I keep me wanting to explore them some more or make theories.
However, I do believe that they're interestingly important, knowing that Baralai had many connections with several secrets; Llednar Twem was Mewt Randell's other ego, and both were Marche Radiuju's enemies when they entered Ivalice (Mewt's Dreamworld); Balthier...refer to my explanation on Fran. He's such a cool guy, by the way, and he's the "leading man" XDDDD Jay the Unseen is totally important, duh. He took out Cashel, he's Moses' source of annoyance, he's the source of many info :D Moses is also important! He's one of the reasons why the game is so fun (and some poll say he's the most favorite among other ToL charas! Xo ), he's a sensitive man, too :3 Senel is annoying, but he HAS to be important because he's the main T_T I don't find him anything special, though...why do girls like him!? Archer...are you important? Yes, of course, you're Shirou's future image! XDDDD Do I really need to explain your side?

3) Can you relate to this character at all? Do they grip you emotionally?
--Girls- Indeed, I can. Maybe not too much with Paine, but I can feel much of her past is somewhat relate-able... I can TOTALLY relate to Konata, however. No doubt. Their personality is so cool! I wish to be like them.
--Guys- Uhh, maybe... I can be boyish for as long as I want, just don't freak me out. Their personality is what I look up to, mostly. I want to grow cold, too...and cool and wise/intelligent :3

4) How much do you like the fandom that this character comes from?
--I love fandoms. However, I don't usually join them... But I'm a fan of these characters.

5) Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by their relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic)
--Sometimes, yeah...but I mostly stick with their main love interest. Chloe's another story, though; I created a fictional male partner for her. :3 I love shipping Saber with another male guy, mostly baddies, but not Gilgamesh...(you're mine, Goldie) Konata doesn't have a partner...:worreh: NaruxHina is positive in me, but I sometimes imagine her with Sasuke...or Kiba/Shino... Just don't pair her up with Neji; they're biological cousins ;p Same goes with the guys. But really, they all belong to me X3 Jay, however, is paired up with my Xyrene. Moses can go with Norma :3 because Grune's not around anymore! :(( But I could imagine her hanging out/flirting with Chloe :O Llednar is definitely for Shara!!!! SHUDDUP if you disagree! They're cute! FranxBalthier, PainexBaralai, KonataxFrhaine! lol yuri was a joke

6) Is there anything about the character you would change?
--Not really... I loved them the way they were. But I couldn't help but to imagine the cold characters being all warm and cuddly with another character! *squeeeal!!!!*

7) If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how do you see yourself interacting with him/her? (Would you get along well? Fall in love with? Dislike? Friendly rivalry? etc etc)
--Girls- I'd get into their nerves if we talked, with the exception of Konata and Hinata. The other girls are too serious. Chloe has a possibility to take it easy on me, but Paine, Fran, and Shara would ignore me. FUUUUUUUUUUU**, then shoot 'em for ignoring me. :w00t!: I could learn so much from Konata, since I love anime/manga/games :LOVE!!!: Hinata would be so shy around me because I'm so talkative and I would speak one more time after a second or two XDDD, or maybe I'd be shy...I love Hinata ^.^
--Boys- O_o;; Oh no! Guy trouble... Baralai would be too nice and charming and modest, so I might stutter if I'd speak, or heck I might not even speak at all because I'm so conscious about my accent...and HE"S BARALAI!!1!1!!!!1 Mewt/Llednar--*STAAARE* O///o w--what? Llednar: You must be against Mewt's will!
*Cid comes in* "Sheath your sword, Llednar!" lol random. Balthier...He'd either flirt or be so turned-off with me. DIIIIEEEE, "leading man"! Archer, some guy you are. T_T I bet you'd disappear before I ask you anything. T_T Jay...I'd feel awkward. You might laugh at my face...but I still lurves you X//3 Moses...would do something else instead of talking to me. Maybe he'd lose his sanity (if he had one Xp) and talk to the dogs outside. Archer and Neji (take Senel with you)...whatever.

8) Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites?
--They're all my faves.

9) Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about (if you dislike) to someone whose new to the fandom?
--Yes, indeed. My taste for characters are cool! XDDDD

10) Is this character popular with the fanbase?
--Yes, indeed! XDDDDD Especially Jay! (I think... Cuz I lurves him :3) AND KONATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would've gone in more details, but you're not reading all, are ya? Heck, I bet you just scrolled down all the way until you reached the older posts. T_T

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