Friday, April 18, 2008

stupid day

I had a dream last night... I was reading a manga, and it was about Jay and Chloe. The last thing I could remember about Jay was that -- he was pulling/dragging a skateboard around and Chloe was on his right side. Then Jay suddenly went rolling on the streets using the skateboard and he was panicking! Chloe sweatdropped...
Knowing Jay, I don't think he will have that kind of experience, since he is highly flexible and stuff... But why did he?!
I tried to draw it, but I can't...:<

Also, there was a guy. His left side had two holes; one on the jaw and one between his left cheek and nose. Then the hole on the left cheek shifted to the lower part...

My efforts were wasted today... I tried to help, but it was ignored! She almost sounded like it was a scolding remark!

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