Ohnoes! Don't tell my blogspot is, too! :cries:
I HAFTA UPLOAD MAH IMAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh hey, it actually uploaded now...^.^
Okay, story time! :D
So the girls went on a 2-week vacation while Risan was left...somewhere. On the second day of the vacation, Risan received the postcard that Raei sent. Naturally, since Risan's master is subnormally emotional (wtf...), he allows Risan to catch up with the vacation eventually. He immediately follows his clan members without telling them.
Meanwhile, it's the third day, and there's someone who noticed that a certain clan member hasn't come out yet. "What's the matter, Shy? Don't you like the beach?" That was Xene. Shaia sweatdrops and makes up an excuse, "Uh, sure, the beach is fine and all...(-.-;; if only I can swim...) but I have lots of stuff do work with and..." Xene feels down, not having a chance to play with her favorite friend on the beach. "Well okay...I understand." She left Shaia on the room.
"( -.-; I feel more awkward than before...)" is all that Shaia had in mind after that little conversation.
Risan reaches the location soon and locates the girl's place. Before he could start, though, Deina meets him. "Bro! How did you get here!?" Risan replies stupidly, "Uhh...I used the plane?" Deina's eyes narrowed. "-_- jeez... So anyway..." And Deina led him to their place. Inside the room was Shaia, whose jaw dropped upon seeing her mortal enemy. "Why are you here!??!?" Risan responds with a cheerful, "Master was such a dear. ^_^" "Oh jeez, I told him to never let you slip..." and an angry vein appeared on her head.
The random annoyingness starts here.
Risan: Ei, Shaia, how come you're not wearing a swimsuit?
Shaia: :angry vein: Why, you wanna see?
Risan: Ahahah! Like hell! I bet you're as straight as a stick! Ahahahaha!
Shaia: Grr... Oh yeah? Then how come you're not--
Risan: All girls will drool if they see my body. I don't want that. ^_^
Shaia: (I wish I had a gun...)
Risan: Seriously now, why aren't you wearing it?
Shaia: *blush* w...why do you wanna know anyway?
Risan: ._.; Just wondering...ehehehe...
Shaia: :angry vein: get lost, would ya?
Risan: Hey, I was just asking. Hahah, maybe you don't have any *snicker* because none would fit your stick body! ROFL!!!!
Shaia: Ugh, you're so sick! *smacks Risan's head ^.^*
Risan: Oww! And you're so violent...Oh jeez...
A while later, Shaia went to the locker room. Xene went inside, not knowing that Shaia was in there, too.
Xene: Hey, Shy.
Shaia: ._.;!!
Shaia was currently putting on her suit.
Xene: Oh, Shy! That looks so cute on you! XDDDD
Shaia: Gee, Xene! Don't you know how to knock?!
Xene: Hurry, hurry, get it on now!
Shaia: -_-You weren't even listening...-_-;;
Raei started to wonder. "What's taking Xene so long?" "Where is she?" Risan asked. "She went to the locker." "Eh?" "I think she was supposed to take something... Maybe it was too heavy or something? Why don't you go help her out, Risan?" Risan shrugged, "Well okay."
So Risan heads to the locker room. "Hey, Xe--" he was interrupted upon seeing Shaia...in a bikini (lolz). *Nosebleed* Shaia goes to hide behind Xene. Risan becomes unconscious.
Kyaaah, what would be super-effective for this case?! XDDD
Whatever. I'm tired now. My eyes hurt... Radiation...
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